016 931 2001 | 072 670 0421 reception@a-gfire.co.za


The Future of Fire Protection Innovation through Expertise

At Avant-Garde Fire, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of fire protection through innovation, expertise, and unparalleled service. Partner with us to safeguard your assets and protect what matters most.

To enhance the effectiveness and reliability of fire safety systems across various applications, Avant-Garde Fire specializes in comprehensive reviews, inspections, and monitoring services. Our expertise covers a wide range of systems including automatic and manual Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Detection Systems, Emergency Evacuation Systems, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), and more. We are dedicated to ensuring that these critical components meet and exceed industry standards, offering peace of mind and advanced protection for our clients.

Third-Party Fire Protection System Design Reviews

We harness cutting-edge technology and innovative methodologies in our design verification process, ensuring that fire protection systems are not just compliant with the relevant codes under consideration, but optimized for safety and efficiency. Our team of expert engineers brings a depth of knowledge and an eye for detail to every project, guaranteeing the highest standards of fire safety design verification.

Third-Party Fire Protection System Inspections

Avant-Garde Fire offers exhaustive third-party inspection services, meticulously assessing fire protection systems against the designed standard and performance benchmarks. Our comprehensive approach uncovers any potential vulnerabilities, ensuring each system’s utmost reliability and safeguarding against fire hazards.

  • Automatic Fire Sprinkler Inspections
  • Fire Detection Inspections
  • Gaseous Fire Suppression Inspections
  • Smoke Controls Inspections
  • Flow Tests

System Monitoring

We offer comprehensive system monitoring services to proactively detect and respond to potential fire hazards. Our advanced monitoring technologies provide real-time insights and alerts, allowing clients to mitigate risks and maintain optimal safety levels.

Engineers Onsite
ICV Chamber




We are committed to innovation and stay ahead of industry standards.



Our team comprises highly skilled design engineers with extensive experience in fire engineering.



Avant-Garde Fire’s solutions are built on reliability, ensuring the utmost safety and protection.


Client-Centric Approach

We prioritize the needs and preferences of our clients, delivering personalized solutions and exceptional service.